We're for parent-faming, not parent shaming
Being a parent isn’t easy. Every child is different and there’s no book that has all the answers so there are endless ways to raise your child in a healthy manner. Unfortunately in today’s digital society, being parent-shamed is all too common and easy to do. Huggies wanted to draw a line in the sand and portray a message that if your child is happy and healthy, as a parent you’re doing a good job.
We know that parent shaming occurs but what affects was it having on parents? How often was it happening? Parent shaming is very present within society but no talks about ways to fix it. It’s a form of bullying and can have long-lasting effects, so it was about time a brand stood up and made a difference.
Working with our agency partner, Ogilvy, we launched Huggies new platform, Be Comfortable in Your Skin to highlight via a social experiment the prevalence and impact of parent shaming. The resulting film asked parents to review their own parenting then asked those closest to them (their kids and partners) to do the same. The content used real parents and highlighted the everyday struggles parents face and how many parents are too hard on themselves but more importantly, reinforced that they are great parents and are doing a great job - no matter what sly comments are thrown their way. Coinciding with the film, we conducted research that uncovered how many parents are shamed, the serious impact it has and how social media is the leading platform for receiving unwanted advice or comments. After uncovering this Australian first research, we used a mixture of case studies, influencers and spokespeople to provide positive messages for mums and dads that if your child is happy and healthy, you’re doing a great job. But ultimately, the campaign saw Huggies take a stand and to encourage parent -faming, not shaming.
The campaign reached Aussies all over the country and ‘Parent-Faming’ was the topic of the week. We achieved wide-spread earned media coverage across print, online and broadcast and the film was trending on social channels during launch week. Results included: 191 pieces of coverage across online, print and broadcast including the Today Show, Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, News.com.au, 7News and Kidspot; and Over 68 million impressions.